WayFinder Wisdom

Connect to your soul’s compass,

follow your own truth!



Hi, I’m Cheryl. Traveler, Sailor, Navigator, Explorer, WayFinder.

Think love child created when personal growth & experience met spiritual soul-searching then was enhanced by both modern teachings & ancient wisdoms.


What makes one successful in collaboration is the relationship between the collaborators.

Here at WayFinder Wisdom you will find a safe and supportive environment for you to explore your own current expression of self and how it serves, or does not serve, your aspirations.

You will be encouraged to expand your mindset with creative, consciously developed ideals on how you would like to show up in your own life and in relationship.

In essence we will work to calibrate your own inner compass in preparation for you to navigate your truest way forward.

Welcome to WayFinder Wisdom


To discover your truth is not only

your personal journey, it’s

also the most exquisite gift to all.

It’s why you exist!
