Broken Mirrors

“Don’t Trust Your Reflection from a Broken Mirror”

~ C. GreatHouse


Maybe you’ve been to a carnival that presented you with distorted mirrors, or you’ve seen yourself in a shiny object that was less than flat. You peer in and see an absurd rendering of our image. We know ourselves so well that we can laugh at what we look like through the distortion. This is more of a challenge when deep within an argument, especially if it’s with someone you know, love, and trust.

When one comes to a conflict with blame, shame or indignance they are coming from their broken mirror self. Our strong, defensive reaction when faced with these people, even if deep down we know what they are saying is incorrect, frequently points to an insecurity within ourselves. We all have this side to us and for most we can still find ourselves acting from that place on occasion. It’s only natural. In knowing this we can practice empathy and yet still not accept what’s being cast back as absolute truth.

Who is that one person who really gets you riled up? When is your reaction full of defending, justifying, and explaining? Why do you think that is?

So often are we caught creating stories about the right or wrongness in what we are doing or wanting, leading us to seek approval or confirmation outside of ourselves? If we show no discernment as to whom we are hoping to receive this support we could be faced with untrustworthy reflections.

From the Mystical Shaman Oracle, card #38 titled The Mystical Shaman it asks, “What if there were no need to explain you to anyone, even to yourself?” What IF???


When looking at ourselves in an actual mirror we can also distort our own image in our mind. Maybe we have imposters syndrome, or don’t believe we deserve the very thing we are striving for or even what we already have. Where did this doubt come from and is it really true?

Can you look into your own eyes and give yourself the unconditional love and acceptance you would receive from your dearest friend? “I forgive you”, “I love you completely”, “I am enough”, “I can do anything I want”, “I deserve the best”, “I am worth it”, “I trust you”. These phrases hold a great deal of power for changing your mindset!

Once you’ve begun to acknowledge & celebrate yourself with such loving words your need to hear it from others lessens. Of course it always feels good to get such praises from one's community however the dependence on it no longer holds you hostage.

So here is what we invite you to try, in stages:

Step one - write these phrases, and any other that are positive, supportive, and relevant, on sticky notes and place them all over your home. As you do this pay attention to how it feels for you. Does it feel silly? Do you hesitate on any of them, or many of them? Does it feel embarrassing? Does it bring tears to your eyes?


Step two - when you come upon these love letters to yourself, claim it! Read it out loud! Again, be mindful of how it lands in your mind and in your body

Step three - repeat these phrases while looking at yourself in the mirror. Once again take note to how it feels for you.

If this exercise was a breeze for you, fantastic! If it felt ridiculous or super uncomfortable, why do you think that is? Let us know what you find! We are here to talk it through with you when you are ready to explore more.

Cheryl GreatHouse