Meet Cheryl

For most of my life, I’ve found myself at odds with the idealized common dream of many, maybe even most, leaving me a bit lost in the world. As I have worked to reconcile strong doubts and worry of being ‘wrong’ with my deep desire to live a life aligned with a truer sense of who I find myself to be I see that I am not alone!    

There is a new culture emerging. A culture that openly and collectively challenges the way of today’s convention.  With it comes optimism and a sense of community for an older generation that was coerced into repressing their unique views, beliefs, and actions so they might fit in. Now there is an opportunity to empower those courageous enough to be on the front lines of a revolution that calls for being unapologetically authentic. 

As I have found my way through this complex, often scary, experience of living a life less ordinary I have also discovered other sojourners who’ve offered up tools, guidance, & support. With this community at my side, I have been empowered to follow the direction of my personal truth. The result of this has found me in the midst of a more exciting, fulfilling, and inspired life. This is my wish for you!

I bring to my practice not only years of learning, both formal and informal, but also a rich experience in successfully navigating a fulfilling existence. What I have gained I offer to you through WayFinding.

With you on the journey,

~ Cheryl ~

Cheryl“Feel the fear and do it anyway” Susan Jeffers


“Feel the fear and do it anyway” Susan Jeffers

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