Easier said than done, yes? 😅

In changing the way you view 'mistakes' you've made you can begin to move forward without so many regrets. Instead of getting taken under by feelings surrounding a regret it is more beneficial to invite the perspective of how this transgression could be seen as a teaching moment in your life.

How can I be so sure? 🤔

Think of it this way... If faced with a smorgasbord of nice, fresh, healthy food on one side then vending machine snacks, movie concession favourites, etc on the other you might imagine which selection will provide sustainable, energetic fuel for movement and which will give you a stomach ache putting you on the couch for hours of zero productivity. So, knowing what you want to do you make a wise selection. Same goes with choosing to fester in a world of regrets vs blooming in a fertilizer rich bed made so by the compost of information you've received by living the very situations you carry regret around.

Ready to dive in further & live more liberated? Let's chat about it..

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