What maps you??

I imagine there are plenty of blank expressions coming up when you read that question, as was the case the first time I heard it. However, as my teacher continued it began to make perfect sense.

From the time you were born there were certain things being said to you and about you. Expectations were put upon you, limitations were established. Some of what was said or expected looked to be full of successful wishes. "Oh, he's going to be a pro football player, for sure!" , "She's going to make a great doctor one day", etc. Other projections were not so exciting.

Our surroundings at birth & into our developmental years have informed us. Family influence, religious or cultural input, stereotypical gender roles, and other sources of imposed belief systems have made up the 'maps' downloaded into our way of thinking. These maps run deep within our thoughts and subversively act a guiding force in how we navigate the world.

I use the word 'subversive' intentionally to signify how our own personal power, authority, & sovereignty was overrun by what others thought we should do or who they thought we should be.

Yes, of course they only had our best interests at heart, even if it was trying to limit our hopes & dreams to keep us from feeling the disappointment of failure. And, we now know as a adults that failure is an experience inherent to being human!

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work
— Thomas Edison

When we understand our own personal maps we can begin to challenge what doesn’t serve us to make room for that which does. In this our truest desires are revealed without feeling beholden to live up to the desires, or by the rules, of other. It’s time to give up limiting beliefs in lieu of living in harmony with who you were always meant to be.

So, I ask again, “What maps you”?

When you are ready to dive in you let me know & I’ll be there.

And, FYI, there is an option for a free 15 min. meet & greet! Maybe we can start there?

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